Retail Products
Not only are we a USDA meat processing plant, we also have a Retail Store and Bakery on the premises. We bake some of the best bread and rolls that you will ever eat. We sell wholesale as well as retail.
In the store you will find an assortment of our famous “SUPRI” Sopressata from Sweet to Mild to Hot to Extra Hot to Extra-Extra Hot along with some Dry Cured Sausage which is totally outstanding. We carry Italian delicacies most of which are from my mothers recipes.
Olives: We have Italian Black Olives that are fixed with Fennel Seeds & Red Pepper Flakes and Sicilian Green Olives as well as Greek Calamata Olives.
An assortment of delicious cheeses, from a Mild Creamy Fontinella to Sharp and Extra Sharp Provolone also Reggiano Parmigano as well as our 100% pure Pecorino Romano (grated cheese).
We make our own fresh Hot or Sweet Sausage. We carry “SUPRI” and Sausage patties for summertime grilling we also make “SUPRI” meatballs and of course our own sauce. This too comes in a sweet and also a spicy variety.
We jar a wide variety of peppers (Sweet Banana, Hungarian Hot wax, Cherry, Chinese Finger, Portugal, Jalapeno and of course Scotch Bonnets) in vinegar and some in sauce.
There is an Italian Eggplant delicacy called Is-ka-Peach which is pickled Eggplant and we have two varieties of that, one is in vinegar and spices and the other is in Oil, paprika and spices. I have an item that I call Fire & Ice it is a jar of Bread and Butter Pickles with Jalapeno Peppers thus the Fire & Ice.
We carry an assortment of Oils and Vinegars.
We have fresh baked bread and rolls and on weekends we bake pastries, Cinnamon Rolls, Figure Eights and assorted Pies.